Tuesday, January 27, 2009

'Tis the end....

OK, I was wrong and Joanne was right. I don't have the time to upkeep 2 blogs so this is the one that has to go. Please check out my updated blog at Sparkpeople.

Check out Jo's blog here for her inspiring weight loss journey

Check out Craig Harper here for motivation, inspiration and a bit of a giggle

And here's some cute photos to reward ya for visiting....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Xmas Frolic Fun Run - 7th Dec, 2008

Did I say you could take a photo? No, didn't think so.
So, I made it, the whole 5kms. I couldn't run the whole distance. There weren't any hills on my treadmill...lol. I think I came last, but the results aren't out yet so I can't tell for sure. Either way, I'm glad I did it. I had a few moments of self doubt there when a pack of grannies overtook me around the half way mark and again towards the end when I was overtaken by the guy twice my age who had cerebral palsy, but I didn't run off in the opposite direction and go to McDonalds, I just kept plodding along, feeling a bit stupid, but pleased as I ran through the finish line. No photo of that, Tim let Charli play with the camera as a distraction and she flattened the battery within minutes....lol.
It was heaps harder than I thought it would be. Oh and get this....I was concerned my knees weren't strong enough to run that far so I went out and bought some very expensive, state of the art, sports knee supports. Hence my legs looking like tree trunks in the photo, these things need their own postcode. Monday morning I woke up ridiculously sore, like unable to move sore and the only part of my body that didn't hurt was my knees. Maybe next run I should find a total body support. I'd look like a nutter, but the following week would be easier......80)

A Tale Between Two Races - Part VIII

So we've caught up to the weekend now. Saturday morning we all jumped in the wagon and shot off to town to see Santa at the Magic Cave. The girls were extremely patient through the two hour wait and were eventually rewarded with a brief chat with Santa (we got a good one this year) and a ride on the carousel. We had lunch in town and Ella got some very weird looks from the sandwich bar staff when she asked for a cheese, boiled egg and carrot roll, but it was what she wanted and she ate it all up.
After lunch, back to the car and out to Parafield Gardens for my SIL's 50th Birthday. Happy Birthday Auntie Valmai! The girls had an absolute ball playing with Valmai's poodle Bella and Amy's cockerspaniel, forget it's name. Not sure who wore who out, but they were all exhausted by the time we headed back to Glenelg for dinner and sleep. I was exhausted from watching my mum and sister "discuss" where Xmas was to be held this year. Not totally sure if a decision has been made. I offered our place but it's "too far away for everybody". How does that work? I live there so doesn't that make everybody else's place "too far" for me??? Oh well, I'm happy to stay out of those circular discussions, I get dizzy too easy.....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Tale Between Two Races - Part VII

Last week it was Family Fun Night for Cati's kindy and we all went to Urimbirra Wildlife Park. The girls had a lovely time terrorising the kangaroos. It rained, but it was not cold. The highlight of the night for the girls was having sausages in white bread for dinner. They thought all their Xmases had come at once - two banned food substances in the one meal. They got brave and asked for Gatorade, I let them have fruit juice instead...lol

Above, Ella is talking to some kangaroos. Below is Cati and her friend from kindy Jordan.

Below, girls in the rain with an emu. Charlotte showing signs of having trust issues, but then it was a very large emu.

Okay so we've hit last week. This has been such fun for me to relive the last month or so of my life in montage form, but I have washing to do and I'm tired so I shall resume this noble quest to catch up to the present day on my blog tomorrow. Joanne, I tried, and I will try to finish it tomorrow. It really has been fun though, I might just neglect it in future and catch up once a month. My life in montage looks way more exciting than my actual life. I like it!
So let me finish with a quote from a guy who looks remarkably like Aleister Crowley, or is that just me?
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." – Sir Winston Churchill

A Tale Between Two Races - Part VI

This top photo is Charli atop Morrie, a beautiful (nearly) 17 hand racehorse belonging to our friend Alan. Followed by Catrina on Morrie and Ella on Morrie. We had a lovely day out at Alan's place a few weeks ago and the girls really enjoyed their first riding lesson with Alan and Morrie. We also met the newest additions to Alan's menagerie. A gorgeous new foal, who was a little bit shy but stood behind Mum and checked us out and 3 little black puppies (only 2 weeks old).

The weather was average, but the sun came out for a while when the girls were riding. Ella really loved riding and announced that it was her second time on a horse unlike her sisters who had never sat on a horse before...lol

A great time was had by all. Thanks Alan, maybe we could farm sit for you when you head off to South Africa in 2009. Hint, hint....

A Tale Between Two Races - Part V

Do all kids love face painting or do mine have a disorder? It seems whenever we leave the house together we return with three little painted indians in the back of the car. Hmmm, very strange.

Oh look, they all go through it....LOL. (Ella trying to take her own photo in the mirror)

Some kids smile when you say "photo", my kids pose like Charlie's Angels. Kent Reserve in the background, our local playground and park at the end of our street.

Who says clothes and jewellery don't buy you happiness? Look at the hat and look at the face. You can't deny proof like that...LOL

Maybe a photographer, maybe a model, Charli just can't make up her mind. She feels at home on either end of the camera (obviously!)
Yes, this post was just a shameless excuse to put lots of cute photos of my kids on the internet. Information is over-rated......

A Tale Between Two Races - Part IV

Yes, as Xmas approaches so do the inevitable Xmas school plays, concerts and other events. This one is Ella's school. The top photo is the cast from Wombat Divine, a play put on by the older primary kids. The photo below is most of Ella's class up the front with Hailey as Mary and all the kids held star wands they had made.

In the below photo, Ella is 2nd from the left sitting on the stage. On her left is Sam, who Ella is not going to marry because Hailey says she is going to marry Sam. On the right Amelia, Zoe (from Geelong not to be confused with the other Zoe) Coen and Corey. Thanks for looking into the camera mate!

This performance was a rehearsal for Ella's class for the end of year concert at the Town Hall that we all got home from a little while ago today. Haven't downloaded those photos yet, but you'll have a strange sense of dejavu when I do.